Clinical Services

UTMB Day Clinic
St. Vincent's House Nurse Practitioner Day Clinic. The Nurse Clinic is open M-F, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, offering treatment for acute and chronic health needs.
For appointments call: 409-765-2242
For support email:
Your financial support enables us to provide medicines and health management supplies (bandages, diabetes testing materials) for HOPE Clinic clients as needed.

UTMB Evening & Saturday Clinic
The UTMB Student Directed Clinics offer appointments on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4:30-7:00 and Saturday mornings from 9:00am-1:00pm, offering treatment for acute and chronic health needs.
For appointments call: 409-765-2242
For support email:
Your financial support enables us to provide medicines and health management supplies (bandages, diabetes testing materials) for HOPE Clinic clients as needed.

Optometrist & Vision Clinic
In partnership with Prevent Blindness and the Galveston Chapter of the Lions Club International, St. Vincent's House is able to offer vision testing with referrals to local optometrists with financial assistance to secure glasses when needed.
For appointments call: 409-765-2242
For support email:
St. Vincent's House welcomes your donation of:
Used glasses, with or without lenses. These will be repurposed for use through the Lions Club.
Your financial support enables us to underwrite the cost of lenses and frames for SVH clients as needed.

Dental Clinic
St. Vincent's House (SVH) Dental Clinic is a free clinic staffed by licensed dentists and student assistants. Currently, services are primarily extractions, treatment of mouth sores and other simple dental issues.
For appointments call: 409-765-2242
For support email:
St. Vincent's House welcomes your donation of:
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental clinic supplies donated by your dentist.
Your financial support enables us to underwrite the cost of treatment beyond what we are able to provide in the clinic.

Family Service Center Mental Health Clinic
Through a partnership with Family Service Center of Galveston County, St. Vincent's House (SVH) is able to offer mental health services 6 days a week by appointment.
Family and individual counseling are available.
For appointments call: 409-765-2242 if you or someone you know might benefit from talking with a counselor.

Physical, Occupational and Speech, Therapy
These specialty clinics provide physical rehabilitation services and speech therapy.
Occupational Therapy appointments are available on Thursday afternoons.
Physical Therapy appointments are available on Wednesday afternoons.
Speech Therapy appointments are available
St. Vincent’s House Physical Therapy Clinic
Physical Therapists (PTs) evaluate and treat movement problems to improve quality of life. PTs design treatment plans for each person's individual goals to improve mobility, strength, balance, motion, manage pain and chronic conditions, and recover from injury. Examples of common conditions seen at St. Vincent’s PT clinic: pain, weakness, poor posture, walking or balance problems, falls, stroke or brain injury, fracture, trauma, surgery.
Criteria for receiving care at St. Vincent’s Physical Therapy Clinic
Referral for physical therapy (PT) from Physician (MD), Physician Assistant (PA), or Nurse Practitioner (NP)
Available to attend PT sessions during clinic hours at St. Vincent’s House: Wednesday appointments at 1:30 pm or 3:00 pm
Consent to work with student physical therapists under direct supervision of licensed PT faculty
Willing to do home exercise program in between PT sessions
No health insurance
For appointments call: 409-75-2242
For support email: